Archaeological Excavations: Overview

Since 2007 the JCHP has carried out both salvage and research excavations in Jaffa under the auspices of its partner institutions. While the mandate of these two types of excavations are different, the JCHP serves to coordinate the sharing of results and resources across both types of excavations, integrating all aspects of these excavations from staff to publications. The result is a unique approach to archaeological research in urban environments within the Mediterranean basin.

For reports on previous seasons, see published Preliminary Reports.

Research Excavations: Tel Yafo


In 2008 the JCHP initiated its first research excavations within the visitor’s center in Qedumim Square atop the tell of ancient Jaffa (Tel Yafo). These excavations were carried out within Jacob Kaplan’s Area C excavations of 1961 and 1965, and where excavations were continued by Etty Brand in 1992. The JCHP’s excavations, which continued on a larger scale during 2009, served as a pilot project demonstrating the project's goals and its relationship to former research and salvage excavations at the site.

In 2011 a long-term excavation project began within Area A of Jacob Kaplan’s excavations with the goal of clarifying the stratigraphic sequence exposed during his work from 1955 to 1974 and better understanding Egyptian and Canaanite interactions with and around the Egyptian fortress in Jaffa. The renewed excavations include intensive recovery techniques in an effort to recover aspects that can be studied owing to the analytical tools now available. This work is being conducted as an extension of the Kaplan Excavations Publication Initiative and the excavations from 2013 to 2016 are funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Salvage Excavations: Lower Yafo


Salvage excavations in Jaffa, off of the tell in the surrounding lower town, are predominantly the domain of the Israel Antiquities Authority, with limited involvement by archaeologists from Israeli universities bidding for the opportunity to run salvage excavation projects.

Salvage excavations by the Israel Antiquities Authority published since 2005 can be accessed on the website of Hadashot ArkheologiyotExcavations and Surveys in Israel. Additional links to earlier HA-ESI bibliography can be found on the project’s bibliography.

The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures Department
415 Portola Plaza, Humanities 378, MC 151105 • Los Angeles, CA 90095-1511
Page last updated: September 25, 2014 by Aaron Burke