Grants & Fellowships

Various of the project’s many efforts have been supported by different agencies and institutions. The following are listed alphabetically:


Senate Faculty Research Grants, 2007–Present

Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2007–Present

International Institute, 2009

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, 2011–2012

Max van Berchem Foundation

Katherine Burke, 2008–2009

NEH LogoNational Endowment for the Humanities
The following NEH grants have supported the project's various research activities since 2009.

Aaron A. Burke, PI. 3-year NEH Collaborative Research Grant, 2013–2016 (RZ-51445-12)
Title: Insurgency, Resistance, and Interaction: Archaeological Inquiry into New Kingdom Egyptian Rule in Jaffa. ($200,000). Proposal

Ed Maher, NEH Fellowship at W. F. Albright Institute, Winter 2010

Katherine Burke, NEH Fellowship at W. F. Albright Institute, Fall 2009

White-Levy Program

Aaron A. Burke & Martin Peilstöcker, Bronze & Iron Age Remains from Jacob Kaplan's Excavations, 2008–2011

Orit Tsuf, Persian to Byzantine Remains from Jacob Kaplan's Excavations, 2004–2007

W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research

Aaron A. Burke, Annual Professor, Fall 2009

Katherine S. Burke, NEH Fellow, Fall 2009

George A. Pierce, Fellow, 2012–2013

Krystal V. L. Pierce, Fellow, 2012–2013


The JCHP is formally affiliated with the following institutions and organizations are listed alphabetically:

American Archaeology Abroad (AAA)

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)

Biblehaus Erlebnis Museum, Frankfurt

Cotsen Institute of Archaeology (CIoA), UCLA

Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA)

Israel Exploration Society (IES)

Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, Mainz

Near Eastern Languages and Cultures Department (NELC), UCLA

W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (AIAR)

Please note that the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project has no affiliation to the antiquities dealer located in Jaffa known as the Archaeological Center, which sometimes is also referred to as the Old Jaffa Archaeological Center or Archaeological Center Jaffa. This is an antiquity dealer's shop that deals in antiquities of dubious provenance, none of which to our knowledge originate in Jaffa.


The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures Department
415 Portola Plaza, Humanities 378, MC 151105 • Los Angeles, CA 90095-1511
Page last updated: September 25, 2014 by Aaron Burke