
This portion of the project’s webpage provides direct access to a variety of research-related resources. The project seeks to provide as much access to available resources relating to the project as possible. The resources made available here, such as the bibliography for Jaffa, will be updated regularly so as to enhance access to the ongoing research of the Jaffa Cultural Hertiage Project.

Please navigate to specific topics using the links to the left. Check back frequently for updated information. Feel free to contact us and let us know what kind of additional features we can consider adding.

Additional information concerning the project can also be found on the the Israel Antiquities Authority's partner page: www.antiquities.org.il/jaffa.

The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures Department
415 Portola Plaza, Humanities 378, MC 151105 • Los Angeles, CA 90095-1511
Page last updated: April 23, 2014 by Aaron Burke